Still whats that to handle, for which my mind dares to stretch itself to this magnitude? On typing that frantically on my Blog, a couple of months back, I never knew, I would ever have to face all these things in this short span of life. I got the answer for that now. And it sets within me a kinda tranquility that never existed before. ‘A love that asks for nothing and gives nothing in return; it is simply there. I will never be yours and you will never be mine; nevertheless, I can honestly say: I love you.’- Aleph. On reading that book I never knew what it meant, I never even hoped to know what it meant, until I experienced it on my own. I have always dared to play with words, but at times, words seem so subtle, they fail to speak that volumes. And it’s better to understand the limits and step aside, before it turns late and makes things worse. What 'Was’ can’t be, what 'Will be’, Ever! A break-up with the word-wo...