Predicaments! :P

                                    Have been thinking lately on what makes one happier! Is it money, the relationships, or the fortune cookies that Life gets you? :)
                    Have been observing all the time, the more you gain the more you get a feeling to crave for more. This innate human nature has always been alluring me. Sometimes we never realise, it's those finest things that we carelessly miss, that could  bring about that inch of satisfaction within us, despite us struggling hard to find those. Life is the best lesson that we could ever learn. The audacities and serendipities it throws up on us are sure, what makes life ,this thrilling experience for sure!
                                   Still when you dont know where you need your ship to sail to, it’s really hard to get moving! The directions, when lost, you find it difficult to spot yourselves, where you are, where you stand!
                                    And that’s the worst part I guess. A struggle to alienate my Self from all those intuitive thoughts, a struggle to draw lines between the innocence that ruins me and the reality checks! Though not always, at times I do now feel I’ve ceased to be me,That I’ve become someone so ordinary, someone that really lacks that stuff for which I thought, I was Living For! A part of me isn’t at all satisfied with the way life’s been moving.. Still the other half is imperatively convincing it every now and then that, this is how it should move on. A terrible feeling like being Caught up somewhere in the middle, yet yearning to move ahead! They do say everyone does get a break in their life time, and they do wait for that to happen. :P
                                Since I dont believe in all those Stupidities, guess gotta move ahead pushing back everything that holds me, and keeps me stagnant! Being stagnant in life is the worst thing to happen I guess. Still wonders what’s it, for which I long for? Why isn’t there a contentment after all these days...What’s it that yearning within us, for which we all Live for??

                             Yes if all those questions could be answered perfectly, Life would have been much simpler to deal with :)


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