Should I really Have to name this post? :P

Some times we have to learn a lot from the things that happen in and around us. Some events just change your life like anything and however hard you try, to move ahead leaving those narcotic whims, they just drag you to death, and you wont find a way back to normalcy!

Though we try hard to reason with logics and facts everytime, we know what is it that we need at the end. Ignoring those, the path ahead churns your present and future alike! Its the greatest trap ever to be in. To be in Love. There is no way of going back in it. It hurts like hell, still you long for that pain! May be love is the ever greatest narcotic, Once you sip a bit of that, there's nothing on earth that can replace it. Everyone do realise this once in their life; and the one's that make you realise that, can be remembered with a heart numbing pain and a faded smile on your lips!.

Even when we boast of our intelligence, logical thinking and analysis of facts, when it comes to life, they simply dont work.And if they do work, you must be a robot; not a human being! Life is a journey to be ruled by the heart; the calculations and decisions of the head wont work everytime. The fragility of a girl just makes me realise its utter foolishness to soak myself in this, still I dont realise for what reasons these tears just roll down voluntarily, making me hate myself like I never did before!

May be Life could turn well, and we may witness a happy ending. And the pain of a thousand knives stabbed on your heart, may just vanish in a second. So the wait is on for the resurrection, a journey back to life!


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