Ah. That gives some FRESH AIR to breathe in !

Iris: Shush. You broke my heart. And you acted like somehow it was my fault, my misunderstanding, and I was too in love with you to ever be mad at you, so I just punished myself! For years! But you waltzing in here on my lovely Christmas holiday, and telling me that you don't want to lose me whilst you're about to get MARRIED, somehow newly entitles me to say, it's over. This - This twisted, toxic THING between us, is finally finished! I'm miraculously done being in love with you! Ha! I've got a life to start living.
[Picks up Jasper's jacket, walking to the door]
Iris: And you're not going to be in it.
Jasper: Darling.
Iris: Now I've got somewhere really important to be, and you have got to get the hell out.
[Opens the door]
Iris: Now!
Jasper: What exactly has got into you?
Iris: I don't know.
[Pushes Jasper out the door]
Iris: But I think what I've got is something slightly resembling, gumption.

[Slams door shut in Jasper's face. Lifts hands up and screams with joy]

P.S : Human instincts are always  right. Stick on to them and there you go.
For all those teary eyed days- Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Max Culpa. AMEN !


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