Closing cycles. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because that no longer fits your life! :)

                    Life has been an experience from the day I stepped into this world; And I know Its the same with everyone.We strive hard and evolve through all these enthralling experiences in hope of being a better individual with each passing day. While some times all those laughters, love and care do colour our lives, there are for sure days of blues, when we do sink deep down, shattered losing our hopes, zest and vigour!! But those days do give you new lessons, new realisations and a way new perceptions to move ahead in your life.Everyone we meet in our lives do teach us something; something that we can never forget in our lives and depart by giving us a bouquet of experiences which are sure to enrich us as a human being.. Its just that we have to realize those magical moments life at times, gift us and move ahead with that new outlook in life.
                    I have often heard people complaining about being hurt, by words, verses and actions of others; even I do have! And I have been thinking why it happens so. Its true that we get hurt when our train of expectations doesnt reach our real life stations. Eventhen complaining seems so weird to me. Because I guess its we who conciously or unconciously give others the right or rather the license to trespass into our well protected so called emotional zone and to wound  us by all means. But we never realise that the key to stop that is with us itself. Its all a matter of choice. And its not a crime to expect too, as we walk this path of life in shade of these expectations and hopes. But at times when those lines of expectations and reality, fail to cross each other and the schism for sure do wound us! And there are for sure certain chapters in all our lives ,which need to be closed at a certain point of our lives not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because that no longer fits your life. That thought itself liberates you, makes you accept the truths and stay without a zest for revenge or repentance. Its far better if we realise those boundaries of ours, beyond which if we step in, leads to loosing of the self. All set for the adventure of life to unfold, lets stay a bit cautious so that we never have to stumble upon those ever silly things that make us wage a woe of conflicts within us. :)


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