
"Its amazing what you can hide by just putting on a smile on your face"

                                 Have always felt this as something utterly true. The beholders may not always sense evrything that we hide behind that pristine smile of ours, betraying those erratic, sentiments that run deep within us. It mostly takes those special people of our lives to sense those hidden tears and fears of the unknown, that we purposefully hide from the rest of the world in a constant battle to rise above and move ahead in our lives. Still why is it that I'm forced to feel that not everyone is that lucky to be bestowed with those special ones to read behind those exaggerrated, smiles ? Albeit, we all do consciously implant a charming smile that lingers all day,  hoping that somwhere someone gonna be made for us who wont even need a clue to unravel the mysteries that those alluring smiles withold !


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