
Showing posts from April, 2012

Outta MAGIC ! ;)

A great day in all these 22 years of my life. Got reassured of Myself. The thoughts and atitudes that made me, the idiotism that reigned in me, the capriciousness that I had in my actions, the spontaenity that overwhelmed in me, everything has been just like, 'Back on buisiness' :P                     The more I tried hard to figure out those narrow strands that discerned Life, Life seemed to have mimicked my efforts. Still Enjoyed this Troll of life that made me look like a dumbass :D But its worthwhile being a dumb ass, when theres someone with whom you could share even that least bit of Cracky things that, you could ever have done all your Life time! Its these realisations that make life worth moving ahead with the aura of, the so called Positiveness :)
            Have always tried to draw the lines between 'the bad and the good,' 'the bests and the worsts' and has tried my best to be a fighter. Wish hard if it was easier to sail ahead when the storms just seem to shatter all those elements that you had in you, that made your atitude and character. The test of character, the reign of identity clashes!             It pains immensely when you realise everything that made you just got shattered all the way with just an act, of yours and you find no means to return back to normalcy!              Life was always been unkind, still why do we yearn hard to find immense reasons to see it through those rosy tinted glasses, and believe and assure ourselves that, things are going to be okay?.Is it a blind inborn  faith in values and hopes, that k...

Atitude? :P

T hough Life does give us, its hard punches so vehemently, with its rashes 'adoring' our mind as it never does, in a way that, you cant even bear to find the cause and concerns, a bit of  innate thinking, can make things far better. Why do we purposely fail to appreciate about ourselves?. Wonders why we become, so carried away, by the things we long for, such that we fail to appreciate what we already have? The stage, of being a stranger to ourselves and the ones close to us. At times its needed to analyse and appreciate what fortunes Life has bestowed us with. The dissertion of Knowing and feeling! Quite strange it may sound though,.... Experienced it! :) Well you needa feel the difference rather than knowing it :D           We all long to 'know' without knowing, its the feeling that we miss in the long run. And if we do, Life can no more be the same. Lets stay tuned to ourselves, lets not miss...


                              People think they know you. They think they know how you're handling a situation. But the truth is, no one knows. No one knows what happens after you leave them, or they leave you, when you're lying in bed or sitting over your breakfast alone and all you want to do is cry or scream. They don't know what's going on inside your head - the mind-numbing cocktail of anger and sadness and guilt. This isn't their fault. They just don't know. And so they pretend and they say you're doing great when you're really not. And this makes everyone feel better. Everybody but you!                   Guess we're scared to lose what we don't really even have. Some of us say we'd rather have that something than absolutely nothing but the truth is...