Outta MAGIC ! ;)

A great day in all these 22 years of my life. Got reassured of Myself. The thoughts and atitudes that made me, the idiotism that reigned in me, the capriciousness that I had in my actions, the spontaenity that overwhelmed in me, everything has been just like, 'Back on buisiness' :P
                    The more I tried hard to figure out those narrow strands that discerned Life, Life seemed to have mimicked my efforts. Still Enjoyed this Troll of life that made me look like a dumbass :D
But its worthwhile being a dumb ass, when theres someone with whom you could share even that least bit of Cracky things that, you could ever have done all your Life time!
Its these realisations that make life worth moving ahead with the aura of, the so called Positiveness :)


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