Have always tried to draw the lines between 'the bad and the good,' 'the bests and the worsts' and has tried my best to be a fighter. Wish hard if it was easier to sail ahead when the storms just seem to shatter all those elements that you had in you, that made your atitude and character. The test of character, the reign of identity clashes!
            It pains immensely when you realise everything that made you just got shattered all the way with just an act, of yours and you find no means to return back to normalcy!
             Life was always been unkind, still why do we yearn hard to find immense reasons to see it through those rosy tinted glasses, and believe and assure ourselves that, things are going to be okay?.Is it a blind inborn  faith in values and hopes, that keep us tied up, to believe that Life is a dream to be chased?
Chasing it all the way, its been like an imprecation thats been haunting around!
Guess the wishes,whims, hopes and dreams needa buried off in this journey!
A burial of those and here I die!


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