A moment with the self! :P
A persumably good day and after long days of drowsiness and lethargic vibes finally I got this ironic whim to scribble on my blog! :)
Its been exactly two years since I started blogging. Had two blogs previously which I ended up deleting owing to its rising popularity and quality of contents it had :P
Was reading this personal blog of mine lately, and could find that its been long that I had a positive post on life. :P
Inspite of one of my friends consoling me, telling that apart from all, this so called Blog of mine got a 'Soul' (I really dont know whether he was kidding :P) I personally feel that Its been long, that this so called 'soul of my blog', has started stinking and its high time that I do something about it :P
Ofcourse words are the thoughts of a writer flowing all the way from the deep and darker corners of mind to the finger tips, ( So cant blame me for all those emo-posts :P) There are times when you need to just get rid of all those negative vibes that harass and spoil the goodness in you, such that all other thoughts just refuse to hover your mind!

Life as on a troll is just a wonderful experience where you just need to cherish the finest and the most beautiful moments ; Just no space for regrets and concerns that spoil the serendipities and here you are done! I am just reminded of that catchy line I read, sometime ago, persumably in a popular socialising site. "Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it ! "
No life is so hard that you cant make it easier by the way you take it! For that, we just need to Fall in love with our Lives! :)
Its been exactly two years since I started blogging. Had two blogs previously which I ended up deleting owing to its rising popularity and quality of contents it had :P
Was reading this personal blog of mine lately, and could find that its been long that I had a positive post on life. :P
Inspite of one of my friends consoling me, telling that apart from all, this so called Blog of mine got a 'Soul' (I really dont know whether he was kidding :P) I personally feel that Its been long, that this so called 'soul of my blog', has started stinking and its high time that I do something about it :P
Ofcourse words are the thoughts of a writer flowing all the way from the deep and darker corners of mind to the finger tips, ( So cant blame me for all those emo-posts :P) There are times when you need to just get rid of all those negative vibes that harass and spoil the goodness in you, such that all other thoughts just refuse to hover your mind!

Life as on a troll is just a wonderful experience where you just need to cherish the finest and the most beautiful moments ; Just no space for regrets and concerns that spoil the serendipities and here you are done! I am just reminded of that catchy line I read, sometime ago, persumably in a popular socialising site. "Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it ! "
No life is so hard that you cant make it easier by the way you take it! For that, we just need to Fall in love with our Lives! :)
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