
                Why do we all tend to make mistakes even when we know we are on the way to them? They do say we learn from mistakes and move ahead. Still mistakes aren't those things we consciously do I guess. They just happen. Though all those factors does count, still the depth of those wounds makes us realise the magnitude of those mistakes. Forgiveness is the sole way to the peace of mind. Yeah,  forgive and forget,that's the mantra of the day, though the latter doesn't seem that practicable in life, its worth a try to move ahead. 
                 Well, some things are meant to happen. How ever hard we try to curb on those notions, they seems to echo everytime we conciously try to suppress them. And at a certain point we do find ourselves stuck up in the middle, as if we have lost our way to trail ahead!. And these dilemmas do make us realise that, a retreat or a retaliation is not worth at the moment..And we are forcefully convinced to believe in letting go off things..For all those crazy thoughts, abrupt notions and everything insensible; Let Life unravel these never ending mysteries! On holding hands with destiny, sometimes everything does seem like a paradox; the one that makes us sound utterly stupid at times and emote us to play these wide range of inexplicable roles, in a craving to experience Life with all its serendipities !


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