Long days, & exasperating thoughts made myself busy such that I eventually forgot to post most of my thoughts these days. And since most of them stay irrelevant right now, let me end up posting a thought that striked me the past week cause, it seems relevant and sensible even now. J

                      The tiresome day and the climate doesnt seem to affect the thought stream. It stayed as lucid as it was. And the clarity in those made me feel exalted and inspired.
                      Relationships. That was the thought of the day! The concept of the need to name them or not! I was wondering all day long, how they could be defined, how those boundaries are to be set. A definition that was needed to move ahead, still couldnt be given at an instant. It was a text that made me ponder on this. It said like this. "The most beautiful relationships are the one's that do not have a tagline attatched to them. Because naming a relationship restricts the way in which you can care a person."
                  Though the freespirited girl in me agreed to the concept at first, on a second thought I realised she was wrong in every aspect.
                   That was more of an Idealistic thought I guess. Practically, relationships need to be named and tagged in Life. Because life always demands a clarity in relationships; without which its difficult to move ahead. The naming, defining boundaries only helps to exercise freedom in relationships, without which an utter ambiguity arises and people tend to mess up things totally, without even able to define their state of being. Its the names that make us feel secured. They encourage us to stay committed to the relationships even at times of adversities. And as they say, Commitments are the best part of any relationships without which its not even worth Living. They make us extend ourselves to greater extents to which we couldn’t have even dreamed of being. And I believe, people shouldn’t have any relationships that can’t be named; though a name isn’t the only one factor that totally defines it. Living without even able to name a relationship or rather not bothered to name them, isn’t the right way of living. Healthy relationships are vital for a living. And naming the relationships is a way to maintain them healthy. Let our lives blossom with the healthy relationships we maintain and nurture. And lets just learn to let go off everything that tends to fades away with time! :)


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