
A terrific kinda set back I faced these days made me think a lot on defining Borders with everyone I know. A strange Kinda feel like people just trading with your sincerity just made me wonder a while and prompted me to think back.
Yep the world is just full of Morons and to live a Life u just need to learn to cope up with them :P
Even when people you have been knowing for years just find hard to keep up with you, Guess you need to change for the better. Trust and vulnerabililty levels meant nothing more than a word to me once. I never knew what values they held forth. In a world of people with the worst intentions and atitudes that hurt you, its better to safegaurd your Self from the vicissitudes!
Self expression was something inevitable in my life. And now I guess its just a way to be mocked up on. People just judge you like anything and you are supposed to be not hurt with all those judgemental comments. And these ever worst people in my life has just taught me that they just dont deserve explanations and expressions. And its definitely the high time I show them the exit door of my life :)
Still after all sorts of discretions I set up for myself  theres a part of me yelling out loud ' Do it to me once more!' like I have never been hurt ; A typical saggittarian trait I guess :x
Well Saggittarians are ofcourse the ones with that immense stamina ;)
The quote on a that zodiac T- shirt of mine says it all 'Do you think you have the stamina to keep up with me ?' ;)
Yeah it really does sound kinda crazy  :P


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