Life is sunnier for many reasons :)

              Perfect weekend, perfect plannings! I am never gonna forget this city for sure. Cause it has given me much to remember; a hell lot of stupidities, ennumber of tears, and plenty of euphoric moments with every one I love! The way I could just roam around the city with just not even a single penny in my pockets, still happy with the freedom I had, and with the people that took me the way I am,  was eccentric. Seems like utter craziness now, though. :)
Could just rediscover me and to add to the excitement could help people rediscover themselves. A way lot happier than the way I was, when I footed in here. There are much things that I gained, and the gains are for ever and are My treasures; My experiences ! :)
              A tinch of regret could spoil the feel of euphoria I have right now, and definitely I dont wanna do that ever in my life. Life is always about moving forward. There are no rooms for regrets and concerns. They just stop you from moving and puts a hault board for your journey. Life just needs to be Lived, experienced to the fullest, each and every emotions at its own rythm and demands.

                       Ofcourse memories are hard, still they are the best for the people with the right kinda attitude. Lets just unravel this mysterious journey he has set for us. Afer all its the course of Journey that matters not the destination! :) 


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