Insanity isn't a crime !

An ear piercing yet vivid morning yell from My mom made me jump outta my totally tangled dream  # or night mare as you may call it  the inception wala  # I had last night.

PS : Dont judge me at the start itself people ! Breathe..EaSY! I ain’t a movie buff  # Forgive me for that Public Lie People! Amen  #

Well, Morning yells from my Mom has been lately my unset Alarm for the past 23 years with an interruption of about 4 years in a row to be specific. I deeply thank myself for not performing that well at my twelfth boards that ended up me being sent six hundred and thirty kilometers away from home to pursue my graduation, which in turn interrupted my Mom’s usual ritual of being a virtual alarm for her spoiled, youngest daughter

 Back to the point, Though It was a kinda revengeful tact that shadowed my face that instant..It flashed away the moment I realised the reason why she had to yell skeptically. The fault was mine Had I been a better daughter # Well that barely wasn’t my intention to put forward that piece of information beforth all # I wouldnt have even dared to dream of leaving my mobile phone, my dearest and trusted partner “all the time” ..Dearest cause of the very  fact that it contained nearly 3000 text messages from my Ex Boyfriend aka one of my best guy friends of whom I had a pretty emotional break up with lately and trusted partner ‘all the time’ cause I never go out with that tiny piece of moving technology without which I feel I’m totally cut outta the world of communication, at my mothers room last night ! The serendipity and the vulgarity of the truth that veiled the situation made me alarmed cause it was obvious that my mother must have had a pretty good time reading all those uncensored texts we had and that was evident from the way she glanced at me!

Well, fine mornings when you woke up to those tuned ragas of classical musics and rythms that soothened your senses with Mom pouring that fuming cup of caffeine smelling coffee has become a well acknowledged myth these days!

And Here starts My Day!

Have a Great Rocking day people !

And Mom Here I’m Back at you to justify my Innocent Insane part and you got to believe me .

PS : 1. To my Ex boyfriend who was the real reason of which my day is ruined, No hard feelings for you cause I always do adore You for making me damn Insane even after a couple of months after our emo-breakup

        2. My dearest mom,You terribly must understand How stupid your youngest  daughter can be and  stop acting like she is mature enough to take charge of her life..    


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