Love the Maniac in me :D

             Pefections always allured me So did relationships; though I didnt ever believe in both, there was a kinda curiosity that held within me. And now I know, things are better the way He has planned rather than the way we plan it.And Its amazing how yesterdays sorrows pave the way for moments of joy and how the tears of desperation turn out, to curve our lips into Smiles of today!
Ofcourse Time is the ever best Magician! :)

And the magic of time just gives you a better 'You' in every aspects! ;)

             Thers just the right time to realise the right things and at times there are times when you realise that things are right the way they are :)

              Still I do wonder why is it that we stray ahead for things and people that doesnt ever fit our lives even when we have much more in our lives to be happy and satisfied than we ever could have? Its truly pathetic that those treasures of our lives just go un noticed !
May be its the way of life. Still I guess, Its when we could just add that pinch of euphoria to our lives by exploring those treasures, that our lives become worth while. After all, Only a life lived for others is worth Living ! :)


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