Guess the idealistic girl is back again :)

These days were the days of realisations or to be exact, days of introspection and some serious thinking I guess! Its when we get the time to peep into ourselves and reflect on our thoughts that we discover the most veiled secrets even about ourselves! The time spent on ourselves will never be wasted, It makes you understand the true person you are.And its really wonderful meeting that person. :) All these years of my life I feared of being committed; whether its a dream or a relationship or anything that needed commitment! Commitments scared me like anything! It may be an insecurity of the self; a fear of whether being able to live up to that commitment, a fear of being hurt and hurting people in the long run.. It really might sound a little weird and strange, yet am compelled by my innate curiosity to understand what people define as love. Our lives run like a poetry o...