Be that happy child again ! :)

                      Sometimes we worry a lot on taking decisions due to insecurities,and fear of the unknown, even when we are quite sure of being on the right side of things. Apprehensions  make us think,think and think, to finally just get the bones out of those fleshes! Well its the maturity thing that takes the play! We loose that complacency once we had ,as we grow up! Risks make us think twice, future concerns us a lot, and  decisions are great things to be taken quite thoughtfully, analysing each and every strain of those unending saga of troubles that may overshoot in the long run.
                      I wish hard, I could return to a time when life was simple- When all you knew were colours, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know then,what you didn't know and you didn't care of that too. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset! And you had the spontaenity and belief which made you pursue everything that you loved and longed for! A time when innocence ruled you more than anything!
                     Ofcourse, we all still have that insane child in us who yearns hard, to break all these rules, we have framed for him, in hope of being safe, secure and happy in the hustle-bustle of growing up. Break those rules once awhile, and let that child in you come alive! Lets once again dream the stars, swirl with the wind, and be that happy child again! Yes, Its never too late for that! :)


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