Change is the only permanent thing in Life ! :)

                 Have been hearing a lot from people all around me about the changes life made them to undergo all these days ! Changes in perspective, various dimensions of life and a lot more! Even I have been thinking of them lately, to change for the better! :)
               People change in hope of being better I suppose! New people, new horizons, new ambitions, new vigour! You need to change when life becomes challenging. As Paulo puts it in Aleph, Its when you discover that the old "I" along with everything you learned althrough the life, is absolutely of no use at all in the face of new challenges, and you begin to realise that, buried deep in your conscious mind, there is someone much more interesting and adventurous and more open to the world and to new experiences.Yes, welcome changes with an open heart to remain happy. :)

             Everyone is special and got a purpose in life. Its just that you need to unlock that mystery of purpose, Almighty has set for you. And in the run, we realise,our selves and attain happiness and contentment. Thats what life is all about ; Being happy at the end of each day. Put a no entry board to the negative vibes and welcome the life with a smile! Thats what I feel, and I know. :)
                  Life needs to be Lived! Lived to the maximum, without giving a room for regrets and resentments to hold in future.There are a whole lot of things to do, the world needs you.The feelings need to be expressed, thoughts need to be put to words and actions, and you need to let people know that you are alive. Because I believe, once you loose the vigour of  your life, you dont deserve to exist! So breathe in, stop awhile to feel the warmth around, and move ahead with a zest to live!!
Get indulged, Love Life, Stay Simple, and Lets be happy! :)


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