The Search! :/

The spring brought with it,
A mystical feel in the air.
A fragrance so seducing,.
Spreading all the way around.

The magic in the air whispered to her,
Those  ever veiled truths of life.
The ones she believed to be lies once,
The ones that tangled her life so far.

The woes and worries of yesterdays,
Made her wage a war from within.
A war of the self, a war of the ages,
In search of the truth in lies and lies in truths!

The swaying trees and falling leaves,
Shared the tales of her heart.
The air around was whimsical,
And made a smile, linger on her lips for a while!

The secrets of yesterdays were no more the same,
Here they flutter, with life and vigor!
To reach the heights they belonged to,
Inspite of all the odds that laid ahead!

A walk of miles through those paths,
Made her wonder where it leads to!
Trails of the ones who went ahead,
Gave her the spirit to thread on.

A journey of hope,in search of light,
To feel the warmth and glory of solitude!
An hour of travel,and a moment with the self,
And here lies the bliss of that eternity!

Still there was a silence from within,
Which played in her, a melancholy strain,
As if in search of that someone,
Who could just make her complete!

Thoughts chained her back and made her ponder,
What if those lies ever had truth in them?
The truth of an hour,turns a lie the next,
And here we are left a midst of these,
Wondering, in a zest to loose ourselves!

The truths which built the lives,
Had in them the subtle lies!
To mask up the truths at times,
And to make them obsolete!

The search in her eyes and the song in her heart,
Brought back the beats of yesterdays,
And made her wish hard,to alienate herself!
Alone in the crowd of hope and despair,
She was left waiting,for the reasons to unfold!

Seasons were changing, and so was everything,
The leaves of trust were left to cling on,
To those cuddled up dreams of hers!
Leaving the search for her innate,
To be continued as ever,for ever again!


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