Amen !

Life always gives you second chances, to patch up, to mend the rifts , to re-unite, to refrain and to live a life of happiness. It never does denies you all those good fortunes it promised. Its our attitudes that deny those. We are the ones that try hard and master the tricks to fool ourselves in hope of making aka faking happiness. but everything has to have an end, a perfect end. Every of the events, each and everyone of us deserves justice. Life impartially offers it too; to every one of  us ! Justice delayed may be justice denied. But Life portrays it more beautifully. It sketches everything so perfect that we may even forget the darkest of the hours in a nick of time. Thats how Life expatiates justice. It has the unique ability to flood us with happiness ,love and hope any time.

Even at the hardest of the hours Life soothes us with the ability to choose one thought over the other, to get along. And every tunnel does have a wide opening, an opening to that magnificient world of Lights, where everything is crystal clear, without those misty air of confusions. And may be thats why even when the whole world says to give up, we all do hear that whisper along our ears, To try it out one more time.Who knows, we may be just footsteps behind the door to that Life filled with ecstasy ! Amen !


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