The Perfect Sagittarian Woman- I'm allured! :o

                 Always did I crave to meet a Sagittarius Woman/Girl all these years just for the fact of comparing how detatched I am with the normal sagittarian Traits.Well to admit I have a strong belief in the Zodiacs and I find it easier to categorise the traits of People I meet, with their traits and I have been always right with my intutions. Dont dare to call me superstitious, but this has been something that I have learned from life experiences, though its not that galore to write a book on. So I was with this secret whim of meeting a Sagittarius Woman, And now life is walking my way. I got this bliss to wake up next to this perfect Sagittarian Girl. Wait a minute, for the one's having that parallel thought, Well I ain't a lesbian. :P

                This Girl is my sweet Roomie, my enthusiastic companion in all my culinary adventures, which are to last probably for the next long two years.  Well this Girl of whom I felt pompous at first sight has this much insecure, emotional interior which only the closest of the people will ever get to know. A prominent Sagittarian trait I must admit. It must be her attatchment fearing, freedom loving, zealous Spirit that made me strike a chord with her. My sagittarian traits weren't ever that dominant ; to mention the flirtatious one's. The at times obsessive tantrums, adaptiveness, naivety, the always well paid blunt brutal honesty, and the my way trait were my assets. But this Girl has been alluring me with all those traits that would make a Perfect Sagittarian. The way and ease with which she moves out of one thing to other, both people and materials, and situations has been astonishing. The reslessness and the on the face, honest, call a spade-a-spade attitude has for sure made us better roomies. You dont have to rule out thinking long hours, all the way around and to Guess whats on her mind, cause once its on her mind, it just slips on to her tongue and things are easier. Well easier for the one's who admire the honesty and sincerity, but quite annoying for those matured deep thinking, well thought-non-impulsive decision makers.On your face people, You all seriously do suck ! :P
                 To mention, I always had this thing for the fun loving, go-lucky sagittarians. It's after this long a wait that I'm around a bunch of Sagittarians, though  the saddest part is that I had to met all of these perfect sags at the most imperfect time of my Life. Well no hard feelings. Life is going the way it's destined to be. A belief in that and it makes everything around so perfect ! :)


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