The reminiscences !

Sagittarians aren't memory Persons.And I seem to be a weirdo. I remember it exactly the way it was. Apart from the buzz around me here, the calls hovering, message boxes wailing with wishes, and the greasy cake strewn sticky hair and beautifully cake facialled face, I still feel the same, the way I felt a exactly a year before.
Made me read all these all over again! A year before, seems to be lived back yesterday!


Its seems like a devastated seashore now; devastated with those deviant subtle thoughts that sounds utterly unexplainable and purely insensible, everytime I take an effort to sketch them completely. Life gives us certain moments, to hold on to at times, to cherish deep in our heart and to feel the warmth; those smiles and tears made you feel, everytime those moments flash around the corners of our minds! There are always certain questions for which we yearn hard to get the answers, but fail blatanly however hard we trail on them..They seem to move away with each realisations of us. Well philosophical thoughts are on the run; even the stars do conspire the birth of a philosopher these months :P
                     Those ecstasy filled days, and all those emotional storms had an un-relenting impact that made myself free of everything that holded me back all these years. And contentment is all I feel right now. A  year of experiences; apart from which I could retain my ‘self.’ The corridors of memories still have that nostalgic fragrance, of that of trust, care and love; the things for which we all yearn every moment! Good sensations, pleasant feelings..yes everything good flashes over my thoughts now.Those faces which couldn’t be forgotten all these years, those words that gave me all those solace I needed and the ones that lend a holding hand in dearth...Apart from all these...Still theres something left, something that makes a pretty light yet stormy stir in me; and makes a drop of tear to drip off even without letting me know...And much to my surprise its something that I earned for myself. Expectations are always hurting. Experiences do teach  that pretty well. Still I’m left wondering, Why do we all fall prey, for all those emo-traps even when we know about  them well?
                         Well each and every moment of our lives got some significance; a link from the past or to the future. Every of our confusions, frustrations and hard feelings will make sense one day, Till then Let’s just learn to smile at all those silly things that hilariously haunt us, and keep dwelling on our thoughts day and night and exaltedly move ahead, to unlock those mysteries life has set for us ! :)


Amazing! I still am in that emo- trap. A bit more deeper in that darker well. And tears. I dont wanna speak about them. Its a good day. Life has to become better. People have to be better. A solution awaits every problem. And there will for sure be answers to all our Prayers!

             Its been the fifth year of the Birthday celebration away from home. And the most specisl part is that, with strangers being so nice, it makes me think how far should the closest ones care. Startled. Still no big deal. Life has the ability to change people. the lamenting one's are left to lament. The one's with no memories rule !

I owe you a lot my hostel mates.The birthday bath with the specially prepared water did prove great for me. Finally I could get off the sticki-ness and greasiness the cake offered my hair and body. Could just make out some of the ingredients of the great solution with the smell, the ujala, prill, and stiff and shine worked really great to get rid of the greasiness in my hair. I seriously love you all my hostel mates. Revenge is on its way. :D

Twenty Three years! The number seems to scare me though, I am happy. Still I wish we had a life pattern in the reverse chronology scheme, like the lucky Benjamin Button. Life would have been much simpler with years. Well sleep just droops my eyelids. And I guess I really dont have the stamina to resist the urge to embrace my bed. Signing off.  :)


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