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Euphoria !
That's how I would love to express the feeling I have Right now.
    An amazing realisation of what enthralls me and what not. A direction to move on to, a routine to stick on to, a life to live for, so is revenge to peace of mind.Yes, 'Revenge is never a straight line.Its a forest, And like in a forest its easy to lose your way, to get lost, to forget from where you came in. But once this roaring rampage of vengeance sets in, nothing but the bloody revenge can give you that contentment, to ease off the pains of all those days!
    Some things once you do, in Life, for sure cant be undone. The unfinished Business..leaves the trail for the next meet. And Yes, when Fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, its proof like no other that not only does God exist, but you are doing his will ! 


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