In memory of a Rebel day ! ;)

        When mind stretches beyond the catapulted levels of vehement struggles for a mere existence  no wonder We dont find room for those Little grievances and minor bruises that are surreally encrypted on our heart, mind and soul. And wonder why does it take much bitter, to be frank  exasperating, sultry experiences that tare apart the purity, simplicity and innocence of people, to mould them into people of much greater magnitudes ?
The vehement searches, the unrealized dreams, the broken promises, and the cliched Life situations make us  exhausted, yet we yearn hard to live ahead, in a hope to find that promising Ray of a much better Life! Still while struggling, surrounded by a bunch of people with flesh, blood and ravishingly revolutionizing thoughts, it just get you the feeling of 'lost in the Crowd'.  'Madness as you know is like gravity all it takes is a lil push'! It just shadows our thoughts, mess up our actions and land us in a No-Mans land. All it takes is an effort to peep out, and get to know and feel all those innate, seemingly small facts that add essence, meaning and colour to our Lives. May be just the thought of a sudden insipid mind can turn it all around. With the searches for that serenity to shadow our lives, the mind just hopes to resonate with everything that seems to portray those.
Words may fail to bridge those gaps. Depths of glances would make it worth experiencing. And with a stare every of those whims will erode away. Life has to be beautiful for sure. Hope Hope and Hope is all that is left back ! :)


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