Back-Biting !

To start with happy Halloween People!
Loved The Google doodle for Halloween. On this auspicious day I took this outrageous step to curb my identity on this virtual world. May be as far as my memories can reel back, its the first step of mine on this kind, this a direction. And I thank my cute Lil friend, the one who always reminds me of the Liliputians owing to her seemingly small physique inspite of her immeasurably profound mind. With due respect to her concern on the security and safety of the inadvertent, un-pretencious innocence that I potray, both in Real life and this Virtual Life, I hereby am forced to Re-baptise Myself :)

                      Well, It has always been a surprisingly well accepted truth that we learn the biggest of the lessons, may be the smallest too, from the one's that doesn't even have a hell to do with us. And these people, the less considered, yet eye-openers of our lives have to treated pretty well, May be on the Face! Have had a pretty big discussion of the same with a totally enthralling, lively bunch of young people obviously bitten hard my the back-biting Bitches and mother fuckers, with an abrupt ending though. About the random people in our lives, randomly commenting and judging on Our random actions was not a thing to be sued randomly I guess- but rather harshly and sarcastically with might and words ! The one's who doesn't know a Fuck about you brilliantly analysing the way you walk, the way you talk, the relationships you share ! I wonder How the hell do these People or rather Super natural beings, manage to find time for these whole lot of bitching apart from their  huzzle-buzzles and routine hurdles of life, to win the bread and butter, cause I tend to run outta the 24 Hours rather pathetically, and usually end the day cursing the unchangeable 24 hour day format! And the Guys back-biting and bitching has been a pretty new, interesting and unpleasantly hilarious piece of information that crossed my ears, though pathetically, the respected lady-folk as usual, own major portion of the Pie. 
                       The society seriously is hilarious! Room mates won't even share a bite of snack, a small talk, or at least glance a smile at each other,  yet with prying eyes they would sacrifice their sleeps and would eagerly wait, for the new updates of the other on Facebook, to know what is happening in their lives! The Facebook, the social network that claims to have made lives totally transparent, to the eccentric extent that people sharing a cabin need to be Friends on the above-said forum first, than with a handshake and a smile at their first meeting, has for sure, shown us the true colour of people, and it ofcourse is a Globally accepted, helping tool, a 'Futura machine' that has engraved in it, the life story of everyone, obviously being beneficial, for those Bitches to back-bite !

                         Always and always its been like this. Technology does develop every second, People still dont find time to develop themselves, to have a clear mind and harness goodness in thoughts apart from having those glittery faces and attractive mannerisms,  without which the whole concept of the Development of the World becomes a Foolishly, impractical Paradox! On your Face People- GROW UP !


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