
It was drizzling. The tiny droplets that landed on her cheeks soothed her Self. Rain !.
" The best thing one can do when its raining is to Let it rain ! " She heaved a sigh of relief.
The crowd around just grew with every second and made it hard for her to reach up to the parking slot. Faces - known and unknown, the ones that potrayed a smile and the one's with no tinch of emotions. Nothing stopped her from moving ahead. Her eyes had turned cold though the turbulence of a hundred emotions waved within her. Hurriedly she got inside the car.

The way back was always helpful in finding herself.
The streamlined array of vehicles ahead signalled a traffic jam. The night drives always had a misty effect on her. She switched off the A/c, slided the glass open,and stretched her hand ahead to feel the droplets.The drizzles had stopped. The smell of wet earth was overpowering. She took a deep breath.The city was well lighted by then, colouring each and every streets with the elegance of the metropolitan era. The funky- punky outfits showcased on the nearby outlet surely does attract a hell lot of youngsters, She thought.

Punk! At times a word or an instance is well enough to trigger us back to the past. The dusty pages which we forcefully try to washout in the radiance of the present. One of the worst things in Life is that You Blissfully get to know the True colours of Everyone you once cared for ! Life always Potrays Truth! - At times so painful that we tend to run away from those. Its Life that Betrays us at those points.

"So thats it? What happened all of a sudden huh? " Words remained just words to her after that. They meant more someday. She felt like screaming to the top of her voice.Images flashed ahead of her. She could feel her head becoming heavier. The glittering lights flooding the streets seemed to give a bokeh effect. The hardest effort of hers to keep the eyes open, failed blatantly. The noises stopped, the uproar of moving vehicles, clamour of the crowd and the disturbing thoughts. But her loud cry echoed within !


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