Could someone lent me a bit of time? :P

I dont know its the way things happen to you, but I kinda find myself totally unable to write most of the time I spent conciously in hope of writing, but seem to run out of topics and ideas or if it happens otherwise I pathetically seem to run short of time . I kinda forget themes soon. Interestingly to note, I find myself churning up themes and weaving around stories in my head all the while I'm travelling, cleaning and while doing all the unproductive works. :P
Ah well may be its time I get to record the slices of stories that run in my head the very moment.  A new attempt :P

                   The new apartment was oozing white. The walls, the pillars, the drapes.. It was all snow white. The drapes fluttered mischieviously with the southern breeze, that the afternoons bring and seemed to light up the living area with a unique charm and decor. No wonder Arvin wanted the whites to shadow their newly bought living place. Yes Nandhita loved white!
Far away from the vicinities that could extirpate their lives, the new city seemed more vibrant, vibrant enough to ease off all their obnoxious worries.
'So u liked the way it is. Is'nt it? Arwin asked with his usual grin.
'Yep. U already knew I would love it" said nandhitha, smiling away, still busy, going around the new place.The paintings on the walls reminded her of the mughal era. She wondered what made Arwin get those.
The well furnished puja room at the right end of the living area was fair enough to get anyones attention. The tiny-teeny bells that hung on the door resembled those golden peach chinese lantern flowers.
An irritating yet vivid hubub from nearby caught her attention.  The loud conversation seemed to be from the opposite apartment; the balcony of which was facing theirs.She turned to balcony that adored the left side of the living area. The panes of glass just above the hallway was enough to assure that its brightly lit at any hour of the day. The balcony was spaced fair enough to sit and have a cup of coffee. She looked around in hope of seeing the people to whom those erratic voices belonged to. She was anxious to meet her new loud speaking neighbours who could potentially be of good company to her, obviously all the times when Arwin have to roll around with his highly paid, life freezing job. To her surprise the place showed no signs of inhabitance. With closed windows and doors, who would dwell around in there? The noises were still prevalent. She tried hard to listen to those.
'But that would take me to come down there to settle it' said Arwin disappointedly walking into the balcony. Guess his secretary is on the other end of the phone. Nandhitha smiled at him rather pathetically sensing,he would have to leave soon.
'Yup, probably in half an hour. And I hope it wont extend till evening. Aint it Alice?' His tone sounded a plea, to be back at home, the new place of theirs. Hanging up the call, he turned to nandhitha. She seemed in no way unhappy to be left back alone,rather she was gleemingly glowing literally bathed in the sun rays.

P.S: Brb soon, If my classes aren't gonna churn me up  :) :P


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