#Screaming Aloud # "Kleptomania.. Kleptomania..Kleptomaniaa...:D "


               Apart from that vaguely remembered Story of  Eleventh or Twelfth Grade English Supplement Reader of NCERT, that told a real life incident of meeting a kleptomaniac,  I never had a clue on what Kleptomania is all about , untill I was bestowed with this Blissful opportunity to Live with a Kleptomaniac :D

                  You loose your facewashes, cosmetics, small yet cute, beautiful things that you carelessly keep, and will be wondering where the hell these have disappeared! I never paid attention to those small incidents that happened untill the theme of the hour became MONEY! Was a kinda shocking yet hilarious moment I had to pass through, on realising, Kleptomania is the disease of the Hour for my sweet roomie :P Well, though I lost my sleep for a couple of days with the thought on what is to be done next, Google and some very close friends of mine flooded me, with a whole lot of informations and stories and thus could make me come to terms with my anxiousness and  I eventually, learned to laugh off the thing. :)

                    The disease as I know, is a kinda obsessive compulsive disorder that the person develops due to the problems of initial childhood, clinical depression or at a last point owing to genetic factors running in the Family. And the funny part is that sources say, most of the kleptomaniacs turn out to be women. :D
#A shame on the women folk as a whole :P
                     Albeit its a disease that most of the people find offensive even to discuss about, I guess its not the way it has to be. After all its a mental health condition and not a flaw in character and it just need to be treated, with love,care and affection, without making them offended. So we have it in our hands, to deal with these less fortunate people of our lives, who impulsively experience this urge to take away the things that doesn't even mean anything of value to them most of the times. :)
                     And If you got to believe what statistics say,the disease has quite rooted in the society. So if you are wondering right now, 'where did that parker pen of mine disappear in a minute', hold your breath,stay cool and watchout people, among the ten people around you One may be a kleptomaniac :D


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