Blogging- Cut this link and here I die :D

                         Goodbyes, partings, farewells, Separations,.. everything turns us down. We tend to celebrate them as we like to treasure those last moments spent together happily. Coz there may not be another chance in life to be back at the same place, with the same people, with the same innocense of thoughts we once potrayed. We all know it well. So its always been an ecstasy to walk down those memory lanes with the turning of those Old yet fragrant albums etched with those Photographs that whisper a hell lot of tales that make us shed down tears as well as giggle and wiggle with just a glance of those :)

                        Memories are always way too special as they cant just be erased outta our minds. The stay stay and stay until new and penchant memories overpower those. Still at a corner of our minds they do stay, dusty, kinda misty..still not fully dead. There's no wonder why we tend to treasure those !

                        Still there are some phases of our lives where we are forced to leave even without a proper Goodbye..the partings that doesn't even leave a tracemark to remind of its existance! I wonder Why it has to be like that.Why does people even let that happen? The worst of a kind to happen ever in One's Life! Wish hard those doesn't ever happen to anyone else in this world, Ever! Coz it just pains within even when we kinda tend to dance around in the crowd.

                          Well am pretty well reminded of that touching Airtel 3G Endless Goodbye ad that came sometime back with the tag line 'There is'nt a way to say Goodbye to a loved one!' :)

Yep, Lets all stay connected to all those who really matter to us. Lets try hard to avoid all those heart numbing instances and make those moments the best in our lives so that at least one day, We can hopefully turn back with that tinch of tear in our eyes and yet a curvy smile on our lips to feel the essence of relationships within us :)


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