The Hedgehog's Dilemma :D

Finally to the end of a tedious 6 months, I figured out whats it that I'm confronting ! 

The hedgehog's dilemma :D
Well don't be scared with that name, be scared of what it is !
It terribly is the problem I've been facing kinda around 5-6 months !
Well I'm a hedgehog now, a proccupine ! 
Quite interesting stuffs could be unraveled with certain of Freud's write ups on the same. I know this is something worst that can happen for me. Still I wasn't this all my life. The One's in my life surely does know that; and the ones who don't, I dont give a fuck ! Oopsie Sorry for the F word! :P

Well into the discussion of the hour, Hedgehog's dilemma and Me ! :)
I've been noticing lately of how wonderfully I tend to avoid people getting closer to me. May be they would also have observed the same.Yep surely they do have. I remember the chatter boxes out there at my brand new atmosphere categorising me as the one who doesnt talk much. A jubiliant laughter is what fills me. Me and talking. Well, its been really too long that I've talked out the way I used to. Btw what sprouts outta me is the question that  'Is this some kinda disease that is contagious? Does it spread or what? :P
Cause I really doubt I got this nasty disease from someone out there !
Well thanks to you !
Ah I tend to kinda feel relaxed being a stranger these days to people. A strange feeling like 'Why the hell should they know Me?' rules me :P
At times I tend to end the long threading conversations with some lame excuses or a sweet smile and help myself out of building up that rapport which I always used to love building up with people of my Life. I kinda feel I have lost it completely. Well the experiences for sure are the villain, I confess ! People have started scaring me like nothing else does. I can easily reel back to a time when I was damn excited of meeting people, getting new experiences and being the new one every moment, a time when nothing mattered much. There was unbelievable trust and faith on people. I solely realise, everything is upside down now. Still there got to be some way out. I know. I was kinda astonished when one of my friends figured out this very problem of mine and sent me the link to read and get to know the thing. Well to your discovery,I hereby confess blatantly, I surely does got the Hedgehog's dilemma !
No hard feelings. I strongly believe in rising up from the debris. A handful few can do that I believe. I wanna Confront my fears, wanna live with them and wanna rule them out of my Life! So simple as it sounds, it isn't.
Well cant think much as my eyelids have started drooping, guess the antibiotics are on the right track spreading whol-ly into my blood stream a kind of sedation and I can feel my hands tripping over the keys of my laptop every now and then. Adieu. Amen !  

P.S : For those delicate individuals who don't even have a slightest clue of what hedgehog's phenomenon is, and if wondering what strange disease am I infected with, here's the 'get to know the disease' tip for you :P

1) The closer two beings come to one another in a relationship, the more likely it might be for them to inflict psychological pain on each other
(2) Yet if they remain apart, they each might feel the roughly-equivalent (psychological) pain of loneliness.

This notion comes from the conjecture that hedgehogs, with sharp spines on their backs, might hurt each other if they get too close. It is a character trait believed to be possessed by some individuals, in real life as well as in works of fiction, sometimes causing anti-social behaviours, often allegedly caused by an unpleasant past experience of intimate relationships. A person who suffers from the hedgehog's dilemma will usually avoid becoming too close or involved with someone, due to fear of another similar, possibly painful, experience, such as they had experienced in the past.
Porcupines are a better example of the hedgehog's dilemma due to their commonly known dangerously sharp spines. As you can imagine, gettingtoo close to them will provoke them and might force a few spines in you in self defense


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