Yay ! The Puja sets in.. ;)

                                Yay Yay and a Big Yay! Excitement and relief are the two things that encompass me right now. A holiday week after hovering over the books and classes for over two months :P
I owe you a great deal, my predecessors, the people of hindusthan for setting up such a great custom of navarathri Puja. Love the way it is. The starting of the navarathri fests at the near by temple sure did make me remind of the great two days coming ahead, where I can relax and be juz the Me, apart from the busy timings of classes, travellings, far away from the annoying, and the so not fitting people of my Life :P And here it is.. setting in :)

                                I aint wanna be called a Hindu for many reasons though (quite explicit reasons :P), Navarathri Puja is the one and only custom that I undoubtedly and habitually follow on accord of being born as a Hindu. I dont know whats it that gives it a truly positive feel on being a part of this ritual. Albeit the rigourous festivities that run around in northern parts of India, its really taken in much a lighter sense here in Southern parts, with just the fastings, and a strictly vegetarian diet, with hymns and prayers for the stipulated 9 days with a Saraswathy puja in hope of blessings for knowledge and mental peace, marking an end to the series of rituals.

                               I dont know why I am obsessed with Saraswati rather than Durga :P Its been like that from the time I can reel back. :P Saraswati is considered as the personification of knowledge- arts, science, crafts and skills. Performance of Saraswati Puja confers unmatched intelligence and knowledge acquiring power to a native. Clad in spotless white apparel and seated on a lotus seat, she is potrayed holding in her four hands a lute, a Rosary and  a book. Being the consort of Brahma, the creator, she represents his power and intelligence, without which organized creation is impossible. To show that this intelligent power is stupendous and absolutely pure, she is pictured as white and dazzling. These are the things that just stay vivid in my memoirs, the very few things I know of being a so called Hindu :P

                              I never missed being a part of the Puja, for the past 7 years especially,cause always did I have atleast 5 days to spare for the same, thanks to the institutions of my choice, where I studied all these years. At my end of the world puja has always been about reinventing myself, an enlightening effect that could realm for a whole year. I never took those fastings nor did I ever stick on to a vegetarian diet for the 9 days, still what drives me crazy of the puja is the essence of it that I am pretty well able to strike a chord with.
                               Though the agnostic thoughts still rage a war within me, I still manage to find a place for this special custom of Saraswati puja to stay untouched and preserved ;)
After all it isnt about the religion or the customs its about the values that we acquire and potray.. the essence that we imbibe !  Happy Puja Ahead People! :)


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