An interim thought ! :)

                      You know what its interesting to learn from the experiences of the people around you though its far more amazing to learn and realise things on your own, through your life. The only thing I find advantageous about the former is in the time saved,the feelings not strained and the efforts not exhausted. It was always heartbreaking for me to think of a girl/woman being cheated up on and used by people around be it emotionally or sexually, be it by a guy or a friend or at the hiatus be it her lover. You would be thinking why I am that concerned of a girl being used rather than a guy, at the bottom line, every one deserves to be treated equally. Screw the modern concepts of equality, and on diving into the truths, You know the inherent innocense and sincerity of Girls that is not that well known in the Relationship world, often abused and looked up on with a lighter heart, has been proven many times infront of my eyes, be it by a close to heart person  or a much stranger.
                  The lady folk are termed the weakest sections from time imemmorial. I have wondered What makes people believe this stupidity blindly all these years. Its true that they shed tears, break off easily and get excited to paramount levels with a much lower threshhold, but they hide within them, the innate  ability to bear, forgive, forget the set backs, and heart breaking incidents in life and to embrace Life with vigour every time, they are pushed down those ladders of emotional devastations. I have always appreciated the womenfolk who made a living on their own., made bold decisions and changed the course of their lives altogether. It requires much greater courage from a woman's part to be bold and walk out from things that hurt her or bear with it unconditionally. Both the ways they are the HEROINES of the hour. It was always a tremendoudsly ambiguous nature that the Indain women seemed to display, by  pathetically being just a WOMAN when it comes to her relationships,even in this modern era where in the  womanhood is being profusely praised upon and talked upon with respect, and admiration everywhere.

                            Its true that women think with their heart,and  Live in the bubble of her feelings. But its terribly devastating to realise that She is being  abused and utilised of being a woman, by the very people in her lives that do not infact, truly deserve Her existance.  I have met many broken women in this year span, have talked out to them in detail and have realised one thing. A woman gets really Hurt only once in her life. She learns to defend being hurt from the very second she reaches down that ladder of being totally devastated. You know you can Hurt a girl and leave her to heal the wound herself. She'll dive into the depths of devastation and insanity with time, may write a best selling book or tune a sure-to-be-Hit music track , nursing her wounds and caressing her feelings, and once she realises the secret and logic behind the nature's phenomenon of being hurt, then thats it. Women are meant to Live a happy life just because of how much they suffer or rather people make them suffer, emotionally in this hilariously cruel World. I'm afraid I may sound to you like a feminist. But the Guy folks really need to have a thought about these less cared, weaker labelled, people in their world, who actually are the one's that shine up their life inherently. Its really the woman magic that plays, spreading happiness, lighting your life with love, care and affection. Value them, before you realise its much late, coz whether you realise it or not, your life is Life because of them,You hurt them and rejoice but deep down you will feel the pain,  no wonder she was created  from your spines :)
                   And you Woman folk out there, Be strong, Be you and Let the world allure at your persona! :) 


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