Merry Christmas ! :)

Blah Blah Blah ! In the Blah Blah Blah mood . So the ones those who have started reading this post, expect the worst, coz I am really not in my senses. The conversation of an hour and a half  of blabbering seems to have boosted my spirits, and turned the chatter mode on making me blabber the needful, the unwanted, and the unrelevant. Well it did give me the Realisation that That I still have the ability to speak. Thanks to those people who stay with me in spite of the arrogant being I am. To those who even fear to show that deep concern, I have learned to respond the same, with no regrets. A splendid year which could literally turn me The Attitude Girl :P 
For everyone deserves to Live. At times you need to stop begging others for forgiveness, regain your dignity, and Forgive yourselves for all that  happened. Self Guilt is worth until some one makes you realize you are not worth it.
                       Its true "We can never wound the soul,just as we can never wound God.Still we become imprisoned by our memories, and that makes our lives wretched, even when we have everything we need in order to be happy.Life is a train and not a station. And as we travel on, we are constantly destroying and rebuilding ourselves for the better." 
                        The Decembers doesnt really work for me. I have been observing that for years. Every December leaves with a deeper scar imprinted in me, leaving me devastated for the next whole year. To sue the same, this Year is gonna be different. Finally I have a clue of whats worth doing, who all are worth to keep and how to Live a Life. 

                           What stays in my mind of the December are the ennumber of yummy  Cakes that we used to cut at home, the Candles, Midnight mass and the Wines,  and the terrifying red attired Santa, as the case was some two years back. I must admit that I really am afraid of the santa, the icon of Christmas. I know its a shame on my part and may be I am the only one person on the whole earth afraid of the Santa claus. Well thanks to my attitude, I take it as a privilege :P
                             I still remember the cold night walks, down to the church near my friends home, where in I used to celebrate the special night many years. It was all about the spirit of Christmas. The past two years seriously did gave me a blow, still I have my ship not fully wrecked, ready to sail ahead to explore the world, with the patched up mast, yet confident to fight this battle.
                           Christmas is a time for forgiveness, spreading love, sharing concerns and a time for the reunions. I wonder how a strata of people go to that extreme of attending even the midnight mass and yet keep and nurture aggressiveness,regrets and resentments within them. Religion must lighten our Self. They said it right, You dont need religion to have morals. If you cant determine the rights from wrongs you Lack Empathy, Not religion !

"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."

                       Let that be our motto. Lets learn to forgive others, reach out to all those who care for us, and forgive all those who hurt us, so that there wouldnt be even a tinch of regret stains in us not at this prime time of youth but even at a time when life gives us immense or more than enough time to reflect upon our actions once did, the one's that could have altered lives, healed people. Let us not be the cause of sorrow of any thing that is bestowed with the gift of Life. Thats the message that Christmas Holds. It demands for the Purity of hearts, and Strength of mind, to resurrect from being dead, and sued. Rejoice, Resurrect! Merry Christmas People ! Amen !

P.S : Thus marked a count of 100 posts a year, Crap posts though, I am happy with the numbers :D


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