Wooohoooooooo.... Tapping to the tune !:D :D

P.S : I love these exam times, when I have to stress out to the whole day and night, burn the midnight oil, sleep and wake up with the books only to  get up with the usual hollow feel the next morning, still confident to write the exams with that spirit which burns within that makes me not to tire away even till the last minutes that makes everyone else around crazy falling for me pathetically, glancing those sympathetic whims at me for being stressed out. Infact I love these last minute tensions and that makes me, this ME !. I haven't ever felt scared to face those, those have always boosted my inner strength. But at times when the tantrums are at the peak I do secretly wish hard to be invisible,tap to the tunes and to dance around the place like a carefree birdie. Dance ofcourse is a prominent stress-buster.And the dancing times are around the corner. Happy Exam Season :D


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