Give Them A Fair Share oF Justice People !

                   The wildfire news of the female physiotherapy student being gang raped in Delhi by the mid of this month really have made almost all woman folks around shocked, cautious and above all fearful to the core. Screw the case of women even men who advocate humanity fall into this stream.The victim woman, whose name has not been disclosed, who has been called with sympathy of the names, Damini, Nirbhaya and Amanat by the Indian public and media has been in the news for the whole of this week.
The incident for sure is slaughtering. Slaughteringly inhumane. I pathetically wonder, what makes the people do things like this. Have we totally lost it all?
                  What adds to the contradiction is that it happened in a country like India, where in womanhood is worshipped, and  idolized. Going in depth to the situation, the media says there are about 1,00,000 rape cases pending, shelved in the shelves of ‘justice’, shrouded with a shroud of dust. Though the recent gang rape of the 23 year old in Delhi has brought about a massive uprising, a national one at that. We all have  been watching the wide spread protests against it, the candle light marches, peaceful rallies (which have evoked violent reactions from the government), with the virtual world facebooking, tweeting, and uploading photographs of “black dots” to express their “virtual” solidarity. Its glad to know that everybody is doing or at least trying to do their bit to bring justice to the victim. Somehow, I find myself thinking more about the Rapist than the victim. It intrigues me, the psychology of the Rapist. 

                    Who is a Rapist? Did he go to school? Is he educated? Does he have friends? Does he have a family? Does he eat the same food as we do? What does he think? How does he talk? Does he display the same sexual perversity towards his mother and his sister? Will he rape them? Will he rape the the Goddess if the same idol before which he submits himself came alive one day? How will he rape her? Can the same hands which join to offer her reverence outrage her modesty, if he were alone with her in the temple? 

                  Stepping out of the temple and into the society, let us get more realistic. Not all Rapists are necessarily believers in religion.One can question this aspect, however, how does one question the concept of humanity? Whether or not he rapes the Goddess, he has most definitely succeeded in raping humanity, in stripping humanity of its dignity. It is a complete breakdown of the social machinery, a breakdown of law and order, a breakdown of the institution of justice. The Rapists are laughing at these protests, at the “apparent” helplessness of the government, and I say this with confidence because they haven’t stopped what they do best, they haven’t stopped raping. Only last day did I read the newspaper headlines which  told of a gang rape which occurred that evening. Isn’t that a slap in the face of all the protests against rape? The audacity of these Rapists! So what will stop them?

                  Every woman in this “free” country is vulnerable. The most basic fundamental right in a democracy, the right to protect yourself, the claim over your own body is denied to us. What is the woman then? An object to be penetrated and violated sexually? A husband rapes his wife, an uncle rapes his niece, a father rapes his own daughter, and there have also been instances of brothers having raped their sisters! For God’s sake, a three year old girl child in a kindergarten has been raped only yesterday! It is not a “Delhi” problem; it is not region specific, caste specific or religion specific, it is a flaw or infact a terrific slap on the face of the humanitarian values! It is the flaw of the society, of the loud as well as the subtle hints which finds form in what the mother whispers into the ears of the daughter, through the patriarchy which prevails, through those moral science classes, those mundane and obsolete daily soaps which run on loop on the idiot box, through the “item numbers” and the “masala films”, the women kind are the “weaker sex”, the “fairer sex”, they “need” men, they need help, the need to control them, to subdue them, to make them submissive manifests itself in all these gruesome acts committed by men, if nothing else works, rape them!

                    The best justice that can be done is to turn in the offenders to the victims. Geoffrey Chaucer in the fifteenth century through his Canterbury tales, told the tale of the Wife of Bath, in it, King Arthur’s knight raped a fair, young maiden. According to the decree of King Arthur, the knight was condemned to death, however, the Queen intercedes and has the offender turned over to a council of women who decide his fate. The Knight got away with a fairy tale ending, of course the women succeeded in rehabilitating him, however the same cannot be said for the Race of Rapists we are fighting against, today. Nonetheless, justice in whatever form the victim wishes can be delivered. Rehabilitation is not even an option, because well, once a Rapist, always a Rapist. In my opinion, to hang till death is too lenient a punishment to be meted out to these brutes. They should be tortured, slowly, painfully in the most gruesome manner imaginable. They should feel the same pain, the anguish, the same helplessness of the women they have raped. And after the torture is over, they should be castrated and then, they should be allowed to live, till they wish to die and the comfort of death be denied to them. The concept of removing the sexual organ of such male morons through a simple surgery, which came sometime around last year in a regional movie sounds to me like the best punishment ever. Why dont we implement it legally? Its totally advocates justice in this scenario.

                      Another aspect that emerges out of this controversial instance being. the people blindly critisizing the victim who was out at night time which they say wasn't really a safer time to roam around as per  our Indian standards. I voraciously question the authenticity of that question. Why the fuck aren't women safe after 8 at night? They don't initiate the rape after all. Its the men folk that initiates. So they turn out to be the Problemo People! So why the fuck aren't they restricted from being outside after eight, instead of curbing the right of the females? Let them also know what it feels like being restricted !
                    In short Everything unbiasedly points out to one big issue that's not been addressed yet in spite of a hell lot of repercussions. The upbringing counts. In our serene country India, the Guys aren't ever restricted their whole life, while its the women folk that drink the juice of restrictions. With that the guys brought up here. doesn't really know what restrictions are, to have a control over themselves, to have a morality and more over believe in having a superiority than the women folk. This fore sure underlines and addresses the present scenario from the roots. We are the one's that has cultured this thought, and no one is to be blamed. I really don't know when these fucking issues will get solved in a country like this where in the people in guise in white khadis officially termed politicians, just know how to argue over their points to win the word fight, who after which mindfully forget to do the needful, rule the State.

                    This aggression bubbling in me is making me restless and I guess, I must stop writing this post for my own sake and get some sleep ! To conclude, if a Rapist can rape his daughter, his sister, his mother, a Rapist rapes the very Goddess he may have offered his reverence to. And they must be deserved to live but with the pains and suffering that long untill their death. This is a yearning, a prayer, Amen !


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