Repercussions !

Its really amazing yet pathetic how life keeps you reminded of certain things that you finally wish hard to forget after the hurl of long conflicts and desperations that reach no where. Its ironical that they seem to rebound, the reasons of which are unknown and we end up attributing them to luck. fate or chance.
                                         I was insipidly busy changing the channels on the television getting bored a couple of minutes ago, that my Phone made sound in an unusual tone interrupting my search of the late night movies to spend the night. I hurriedly rushed to pick it up, wondering who would be calling at this an odd hour, puzzled of the fact that it wasn't the ringtone I had set in it. I looked at the phone, the obsene thing in my life which reminds me of a hell lot of traumas, and it showed a remainder alarm; An alarm that I had set exactly a year before, In memory of that special day. I could feel myself getting shattered all again from the beginning. The courage I had built in a year seemed to have washed off. My heart ached. I knew what is it, that aches my heart, what does it account for. I inherently cursed Life for moulding, it the way it is now. I wanted to live back a year, to change it all, so that I could no longer have these regrets, pains and resentments embedded.
'Who is it, at this late an hour?" Ammas voice broke my chain of thoughts.
" No one Amma. Its just an alarm." I retorted, my voice breaking here and there.
I dont know how she sensed me being upset, inspite of my efforts to stay pleasant. She came near me, caressed my hair and said softly," You need some sleep. Sleep well. You want me to sleep with you?"
I would have cried. But my inner self told me to remain bold, and not to cry infront of that lady, who herself is battling hard to win this war of Life.
"Its okay Amma. I'm good. And Yes I need some sleep. Good night. " I silently kissed her goodnight.
You know, the times when you dont need to explain things to people, when they totally get you and there is no room for words. I felt a hurricane storming inside me. and I knew well, I for sure am gonna have a long Night.

"Blessed are the Forgetful,  for they get the better even out of their blunders." Amen !


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