
I don't know how people around would relate to something strange and weird as to what the phenomenon of telepathy is and how it does work. But I do believe hard in it Cause I have had much experiences of these magic telepathic waves striking me around the odd hours of the day, panicking and alerting me of some one close being met with something bad,or something terrific.  At times you cant express these whims to those close to heart people, cause they are much farther than what the distances of heart portray. And there will be no rule and reason for you to contact them cause its just forbidden all your life. Strained Complicated Relationships they are ! And it for sure is the reason why at this late hour of the day I am scribbling hard on this blog walls of mine wherein there are only strangers to know whats troubling me, whats finally consuming me at the end of the day, with  just the hope that these whims of mine reach the right person as a random thought atleast. Relying on the rule of universe, I believe it reaches the person. It has to, that's how it works in  life. To believe in something like this, It for sure is pathetic I know. But at times you have to believe in all those strange notions of yours which doesn't even have an origin, stop acting hard on yourself, forgive yourself, stand on your own however hard you feel every time and pick up those shattered dreams  of yours so that there will be  a yet better tomorrow immaterial of whether it means a literal loss of sleep tonight. Amen !


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