Whoohoo ! On the Reality Cloud :)

"I was out of contacts with everyone. Its been long since I had even this long a phone call" She seemed to break off.
I silently listened to her. I always loved to listen. Contrastingly the stretch of hours and the deteriorating phone balance didn't quite upset me. She was one of the rare souls that I shared a connection with over the years. She needed to be listened. And whatever was my state of being, didn't matter. 
Its true that Christmas radiates positiveness. In fact every celebration does. They make people unite, share love and relish those invisible bonds that have faded over the distances and time.
"So whats up with you? I saw your Pics. You seem to enjoy Life quite a lot. I loved those. You became beautiful. And You know what I am really happy for you " She paused.
My heart wanted to tell her a million things that raged within me. I remained silent. My mind hovered  over all the things that I went through. Cheers to me for making people believe in something that never even existed, My happiness ! Well that doesn't count though. Sigh.
So this me had no other option but to retort, "Yep You live your Life once. Why not live it happily? You know what, at least let people believe that you are happy. It just takes an effort. Happiness is contagious. Even if You fake it, you finally end up being happy. " I paused. A feeling of my advising mode being switched on alarmed me. 
"Uh-ho. What am I doing?  Don't wanna lecture you after all these years." I stopped with my insane laughter. 
She laughed too. I am sure, the long talks of hours surely would have lighted her spirits. What if I ain't happy? At least I am able to make people in my world happy. I sat with the contentment filling my heart like anything.
                 Over the time I have realized Happiness is purely a state of mind which you can even fake and get people camouflaged. It would be perfect, no one would ever realize the depth of the scars that you hide with those glittery smiles and caring actions. Hats off to the admirers and well wishers who are glad for this Me being Happy, in fact Happier. You know what I win this Game.The dichotomy is never ever looked up on. The saddest part is that the one's who lost it doesn't even know the fact that they lost it.They Rejoice without knowing their true Plight. Let them. Who wanna tell them and trigger them off to the valley of unhappiness. Somebody out there would, never will I, cause I know what it means to get lost in a world of  devastation where in you find no one to stretch that hand for you to escape, into the other world. And even if you find someone You would be scared to death to confide. I always hated sympathy. I would die with a sad heart and a fake smile but never would let some one sympathize me. Well call it The attitude or whatever you would like. Its the way I'm structured  And I love being this. Lol. Life is fucking Hilarious. It teaches you the way to live through those bitter scars that you hide in, to be happier, to be compassionate and to be there for the less fortunate. Life has much more meanings that unfold with everyday. Lets realize those and learn to Love our Life. When life gives you lemons, why not try asking for a tequila and salt. :D ;) :)


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