It Ain't a crime to be a Weirdo :P

                         What is it that prompts me to write in spite of this hustle bustle weekend, where I am not at all supposed to whine out my time any way, but on my books? Well for those poor beings who doesn't have a clue, Its my semesters at the doors and I am just to be exact sixteen steps away from opening those cracky- wailing doors. The thing is that I am damn bored of this hustle- bustle Life, not the entire life, just this short phase of tensions and headaches yearning to meet the deadlines for seminars and assignments, lab record submissions and all those last minute tantrums. Still for those of whom that have this straightforward thinking that I hate all these stuffs, Let me clarify I really love all these last minute dramas and mind fucking tensions. To add to it I guess these really does make my performance a million times better. My brains have been trained in this way. Many have by this time, tried their best to get me out of this last minute habitual ritual of getting tensed and going nuts, apart from which I still Love the way I am. I don't mind if this sounds that creepy to at least some people out there who seriously doesn't know the serene confidence boosting art of self-love. :P
                         So the thing is that all of a sudden today,I found this enjoyable tantrums BORING ! You know its the way it is. You keep on doing the same kinda dramas, they become cliches. And you sub-conciously develop the instinct to repell away from those. Ahh so thats what has happened. I tried hard to get rid of this giddiness by switching off my geek mode for about half a day, ah thats really much to ask from me, spending my perilously precious time having a hearty stomach filling chicken biriyani, which my tastebuds and senses still seems to cherish, and to top it, had the wonderful afternoon totally immersed, in my movie world, followed by a deep nap, wherein I in no way had to struggle hard to win all those marathons, or unwind the mysteries of unending mazes and solve hideous puzzles, unlike my usual exasperating night sleeps. The benefit of the sleep was just for the time spent away from reality, from being concious back in time. Contradictingly it just added up my giddiness. Browsing the internet was the last option, the closed doors and lonely corridors of the hostel made me hate myself for not going home apart from the prominent advices.  As I glanced at my timeline the unending line of Birthday wishes invoked just no feeling in me. Amazingly its for the first time I didnt thank all those  'made stupids' who wished me online. I always tried my best to be nice all through these years. And now even this being nice strategy seems quite boring.  Boredom creeps in every where. Sigh. I dont know what on earth prompted me to literally abandon and pay no attention to all those wishes. A striking thought that 'what if I dont thank' struck my nutty head. There isnt a predefined rule as to thank though. Enough was enough. I was bored with these blue spitting site in just five minutes. I felt that unknown void from within to fill for which, I tried hard for the next few hours to evoke my imaginative powers in hope of completing the newly started story of mine, which till now hasn't been named. Its just that the characters play around in my head for hours and I still find it a herculean task to invite them into this word world. Inherent laziness to type out the whole thing is one reason. Apart from that I seem to be experiencing the Blocked feel. As if saturated. No new thoughts seem to enter my broad, spacious mind and trigger my neural network. Memories seem to have occupied the whole bunch of space I guess. High time to clear those and make room for the new ones. I reach this conclusion at the end of everyday and start caressing those the very next dawn. Girls for sure, atleast I am a weirdo. The worst part of which is that I love being this damn weirdo. For me this weirdness makes Life. Gives me the feel of being Alive. Nighto !


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