To those Visibly -Invisible People !

                                 At times a silent glance renders you the comfort that is unexplainable. I have experienced the power it has.To run short of words, to be with the close to heart people silently, at times of adversities, everything evokes those unexplainable feelings. We don't often need people to wipe off our tears, we just need them to hand us over the tissues. And I have often observed  those silent yet insignificant people in our lives that makes our days beautiful. Be it the Paper chettan who pristinely smiles at me every  morning spreading the aura of happiness at the colder 6.30's when even the dew around wouldn't have disappeared or be it the Leela chechi at the neighbourhood who showers me with the prasadams of the nearby Shiva temple everyday after her usual visits. Or Let it be the stranger Facebook friend of mine from Poland whom I befriended or be it the unknown regular reader of my blog who takes the effort to read almost all my posts irrespective of the degree of crappiness in it..There are many such people out there in our lives who knowingly or unknowingly are a part of our lives without whom we feel something ain't complete. We long for those people to be there in our lives, as a matter of routine everyday, though in the big picture it doesn't make much a difference at all. So this post is dedicated to all such visibly invisible people in my life who makes my life a bit sunnier with their little actions that confirms their presence.

Sometimes a single moment of understanding can flood a whole life with meanings you never realized before. Like the enlightenment Budha had who knows what we may come through the next moment. In a world of fake people and changing feelings, to retain the sanctity does require efforts. Efforts to appreciate those little things in Life, to spread the smiles around you. :)

P.S : Its a really older draft that still holds true. The dichotomy being there comes a point when silence becomes betrayal .
Well, there is no way that I can post the whole lot of drafts in my Draft box. Cause every time  I try to post'em I end up writing some other crap and posting it. Thanks to my inherent vehemency to write in the New post box everytime :P


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