Ne Thane En Ponvasantham !

Long waits, with the exam seasons and finally I made to it today, after a week of commencement of my holidays. Well all these days I was afraid of watching this, just because of the fact that it would terribly make me upset and increase the degree of my devastation. But I never am up to avoid something to move ahead in life. And thats what made me have this sarcasm unveil before me today.
Though I aint that a movie critic, well I am an intentionally converted movie buff, I was intentional to watch this one to experience the GVM magic. What unveiled before me on the screen was a part of me Nithya vasudevan aka Samantha ! Its hard when you relate to movies, not the entire story though. You go through all those all over again and realise that its never over, and never ever will you get over those. 
Well about the film, not that acceptable, and relished due to its positive happy ending, well finally I've become a sadist too. While the VTV was a class, this one seemed like a pretty simple romantic story pretty  much amateurish woven for the sake of one, with the result that there isnt any room for an epiphany like the former GVM movies. Ilayaraja scores keep you tuned to the film though you end up comparing with the ARR, which is of no point.
Pathetically I related to the film well and it filled me with awful devastating emotions that I really dont know how to explain. Well it does trigger off your emotions if you ever had a relationship. Thats the normal GVM magic, the magic that makes you yearn to love, secretly making us to wish, our life was a GVM movie. :)

P.S : Its amazing the way that a relationship grows from the very point where it was chopped off be it years or months after. Well thats what you call an adult relationship. There are no Goodbyes, and Partings ever. Relationships are for ever ! :)


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