Live and let live !

A single act can change lives. Bring us be back to life or shatter it as a whole. When things go wrong, its just that the time had the hitch of destiny. Still there are choices to make, to realise the essence and to take the right decisions. Coz its always the heart's way that's fulfilling. I really don't understand how do all thses people live happily or atleast pretend to be happy even  when everything around goes wrong and when people around wail all the while just becoz of you. Amazingly certain super natural people are bestowed with that unique ability  of not only ignoring the feelings of others but also to cheat and ignore their own too.  They may pretend hard to be alright in the run, still their heart holds the same pain. May be time could heal those, Pathetic it sounds though ! Thats where I differ, why should we have to wait for time to heal those, when things were and are always at our will? At times just a word from you can heal those people. Forgive them for what went wrong coz everyone deserves to live their life be it the fairer way or not. That's  what is fair in Life. Thats what is justice.

   I know It's hard to accept, but you can't change the past. You can't go back and manipulate things to the way you wanted them to happen. We tend to figure out the ennumber of ways to restructure the past in our head every second and end up totally fucked, coz it just isn't possible to alter those. The desperation, self- guilt and all those yet to be named obsene emotions stalk you like anything and there wont be any choice left other than to bear with those. But We do have the ability to change the future and that's the most beautiful thing about life. Yes, you will make mistakes. And yes, you will have bad days - but as long as you have the courage and ability to let the past go, you'll have a gorgeous and bright future ahead of you ,a hope to cling on to ! Learn to understand, accept and forgive others and ourselves, Live and Let others Live cause Life just isnt a journey to bear these barrels of regrets all the way.


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